One of our core values at Searcy First revolves around identifying needs in our community and, if possible, working to fulfill those needs to the glory of God. 


Our after-school and summer care program is still fairly new, but our church family has been so richly blessed to have these children on our campus day in and day out. 


Cornerstone Kids is available for children who are in Kindergarten through sixth grade, and the semester terms closely follow the Searcy School District schedule. Children enjoy plenty of fun and games, enrichment activities, and homework support while under our care. 


If you would like to come tour the classrooms or talk with the director, you can email Candace Pettis below.



After-School Care

The dates for after-school care run parallel with the Searcy School District calendar. We do offer all-day care for many of the days the school has to close during the school year (holidays, inclement weather, etc.). Those special dates will be communicated to parents well in advance once the school year is underway.


Hours of operation are school pick-up time - 5:30pm.

After-school care is available for any child who is in Kindergarten - 6th grade

$60 per student per week


The weekly rate during the school year is the same for every student, regardless of how many days they attend during the week.

If multiple children enroll from the same family, siblings earn a $5 discount.
There is a $75 supply due at the beginning of each semester (Fall & Spring).

All students will receive a snack each day. We offer different enrichment activities every day. Children will enjoy activities like "Move-It Monday," art projects, social-emotional learning, and music! Time is set aside each day for completing homework and gaining support, if needed. Freetime and play are built-in to our schedule. 

Summer Care

Our summer hours of operation are 7:30am - 5:30pm. Summer care is available for any child who has completed Kindergarten - completed 5th grade

5-days per week will be $130 per child
3-days per week will be $100 per child
2-days per week will be $75 per child

- If multiple children enroll from the same family, siblings earn a 20% discount regardless of full-time or part-time status.
- The supply fee for summer camp is $75.  This fee is added to your first week tuition. 
- Each student will receive one week of vacation to use at their discretion during the summer semester.

All students will receive two snacks throughout the day, but breakfasts and lunches must be brought from home. We also ask each student to bring a reusable water bottle every day.

We are hopeful to make every summer fun and memorable for your child. We plan to incorporate theme days/weeks and field trips or special activities. If these trips and activities require any extra cost, we will inform parents well in advance.


ARKids First is a health insurance program that provides coverage for thousands of children across Arkansas. It covers well-child checkups, eye exams, dental checkups, and more. ARKids insurance is helping to grow healthy kids in Arkansas and might be the answer for health coverage for your children.

Your children's health is important to you and to us, so consider checking out ARKids First for more information. If you have questions, please call the ARKids hotline at 1-888-474-8275, Monday-Friday between 8am and 4:30pm.


Arkansas Department of Health: Programs for Children & Families


Child Development Guide: What to Expect at Every Age and Stage


Shaken Baby Syndrome


Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Physical Activity and Nutrition


Developmental Assets Framework