Welcome to Searcy First Children's Ministries!

Our programs strive to make each child feel welcomed, nurtured, and loved. At Searcy First we believe God has called us to “GLORIFY God, GROW in full devotion to Jesus Christ, and CONNECT the unconnected” and we have a place for you and your family here. We have several opportunities for your children! 


Pre-K-5th Sunday School classes will meet upstairs in the Children and Youth Building from 10am - 10:50am.We are currently using and LOVING the Simply Loved curriculum by Group. 

Please note: We have a new Check In/Out system called The Kidmin APP - there are 2 ways to sign children in and out of our programs: the iPad kiosk or through a leader's iPhone; Keeping children safe is our top priority, so let's all be vigilant with this new Check In/Out system. Children who are not picked up by 10:55 am will be walked to the church nursery - so no worries if your adult Sunday School class happens to run long! 

Newborns - 2yrs will meet in the nursery (education wing in the main church building). 6th Graders will attend Confirmation Class during the Sunday School hour; if for some reason this class is not meeting, 6th graders are invited to attend the Youth Sunday School class.




Bright Night name has changed to S1 Kids CONNECT

We invite children ages Pre-K - 5th grade to join us!

The time has changed - S1 Kids Connect will meet from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm

We would like all families to join us from 5-6 pm for our Fellowship Meal in Yancey Hall.

Please let us know if your child will need transportation from school to church; we can pick them up in the church van. (Searcy Area Schools)

Childcare will be available on Wednesdays from 6pm -8pm 



Confirmation Class meets Sunday Mornings from 10am-10:50am. 

Our 6th grade classes are very important to us! Beginning in the fall they launch into a yearlong confirmation process. Confirmation preparation (Confirmation) is a formal process with a class or group leading to the ritual of confirmation for those who wish to receive it and are deemed ready by the pastors. The middle school years are a time when young people begin to move from concrete thinking to abstract thinking and many begin to make lifelong faith decisions. During these middle school years youth are seeking a sense of belonging. Belonging to the community of faith is an appropriate response to that developmental task. We believe that around the 6th grade is an appropriate time to consider this task. Confirmation preparation takes place over the school year with our pastors joining in at different times by delivering lessons, meeting with the confirmands individually, and attending confirmation retreat. It is a great time of learning and relationship building culminating with Confirmation Sunday! 


We invite all 3rd-6th graders to serve as acolytes. This tradition is over 1,700 years old! It is a wonderful reminder to carry the light of Christ out to the world, and it is a beautiful way to serve the Lord and our church. 


Children’s Ministry Events:

August 11 - Back to School Blessings at 9a and 11a – Bring your backpack!

August 28 - Fall Kick Off Block Party 6-7p

September 4 - S1 Kids CONNECT Begins 3:30-5p

September 22 - Confirmation Classes Begin 10-10

September 25 -  Mom’s Bible Study 11a-12p (fourth Wed of every month – we will not meet in Dec)

September 29 - Acolyte Training 1p (new and returning acolytes)

October 20 - Children help with worship 9a and 11a and 3rd Grade Bible Presentations

October 30 - Howlelujah Night/Trunk or Treat 5-7p

November 20 - Last Night of Wednesday Programs (we will resume Jan 15th)

December 4 - Children’s Christmas Program Practice (Time TBD)

December 8 - Children’s Christmas Program 4:30p – Community Dinner @ 5p

January 15 - Wednesday Night Programs RESUME

April 19 - Community Egg Hunt (rain date 4/20 @ 10a)

April 23 - Last Night of Wednesday Programs

April 27 - Confirmation Sunday

June 9, 10, 11, 12 - Vacation Bible School 

July Fun Days - TBD


*Every volunteer and staff member will be screened through a company called Ministry Safe*


For more information about any of our Children’s Ministry programs, please contact our Children's Director, Kiki Capps | 501-268-5896 | kiki@searcyfirst.org






Whether you choose for your children to stay with you in worship or to spend that time in childcare with other children, we are ready to welcome them.


If your kids worship with you, we have worship bags with kid-friendly materials ready for them at the door. We understand that sometimes our hearts can listen better when our hands are busy. The worship bags change often, but some items they may find include crayons, coloring sheets, worship "I Spy" game, pipe cleaners with shape suggestions, and plastic eggs with craft pom poms.


If your kids go to the nursery, our experienced teachers and caregivers will be ready to welcome them. Your child will enjoy a kid-friendly enviornment were they can play, have snacks, and hear Bible lessons. Our nursery is equiped with everything your child may need to help them feel at home. We suggest infants and toddlers bring a bag of essentials with them.


Volunteers and childcare workers at Searcy First Kids are trained to create an atmosphere where families can confidently leave their children, knowing they will be loved and kept safe. Every volunteer is screened with a background check and a resource officer is close by on Sunday mornings. We also have security cameras in the nursery. Don't worry parents - we've got this!


We're raising up the next generation of world changers to love God and His people!