Dinner 5PM | Groups 6PM
On behalf of our whole church, I want to welcome you! If you're searching for a church home in Searcy, we know you'll fit right in at Searcy First!
Whether you've never been to church before or grew up attending church weekly, I hope you'll plan to join us this weekend!
You've found your way to the New Here page, so take a few minutes to look around. Check out the FAQ section below. If you still have questions or if you would like to meet with someone before you visit, reach out through our Contact page.
We know God wants to do great things in you and through you!
-Jeff Jackson, Senior Pastor
Have kids? That's great! We've got you covered! We provide childcare from newborn to 6 years old for both of our worship services.
All children and youth can attend Sunday School from 10 AM - 10:50 AM in their environments specifically designed for them.
Pre-register your kids for Sunday morning by clicking the button below!
Have questions? We have the answers!
304 N Main Street, Searcy, AR 72143
Searcy First is located at the corner of Race Avenue and Main Street in Searcy, AR, across the street from Walgreens and First Security Bank.
The Gathering (contemporary) meets in the gym at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings. The Traditional service takes place in the sanctuary at 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings.
There are two large parking lots and one smaller lot to choose from. The North Lot is on Race Avenue across from Walgreens. The East Lot runs alongside the gym on Locust Street. If you're attending an activity in the gym, these lots are the closest options.
The South Lot is at the corner of Main Street and Center Street. If you're attending anything in the Youth & Children's Building, this lot is the closest option.
Wear whatever is comfortable for you! If you feel best in a suit or dress, that's great. If you'd rather wear jeans and a t-shirt, that's perfect, too. Whatever works best for you works best for us.
The normal Sunday schedule starts off with the Gathering (contemporary worship service) in the gym at 9 AM. Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 10 AM and last until 10:50 AM. The Traditional worship service takes place at 11 AM in the Sanctuary.
Childcare for newborn through Pre-K is available from 8:30 AM to 12:15 PM in the main bulding Nursery.
Donuts and coffee are available all morning in the Pyeatt Welcome Center, which is located in the center of the main building.
Children are such a vital part of our church family. We are excited to welcome yours to our groups!
Childcare for newborn through Pre-K is available on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, as well as for most of our special events.
Kindergarten through sixth graders enjoy a "one room school house" option for Sunday School at 10 AM. Mrs. Kiki and her volunteers share a Bible lesson and a fun activity.
On Wednesday nights, Kindergarten through sixth graders are invited to participate in Kidz Choir from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM. These children learn instruments, songs, and perform seasonal plays.
Kindergarten through fifth graders then go to Bright Night where they rotate between stations learning the books of the Bible, doing crafts, hearing the lesson of the night, and earning Bible Bucks for fun prizes.
Sixth graders are invited to go through Confirmation on Wednesday nights. Confirmation is the class where students learn the history of our church, understand what we believe as Methodists, and then choose if they would like to become full members of our congregation through baptism and/or profession of faith.
Seventh through twelfth graders are included in our Youth Group. Youth students enjoy Sunday School on Sunday mornings and Youth on Sunday nights at 5 PM where they eat, worship, grow in their faith, and hang out together. Wednesday nights are reserved for small groups. These groups are divided into boys and girls, and help students create tight bonds with their peers and leaders for a time of open sharing and encouragement.
We have many options for adults, and these options are growing all the time.
Sunday School classes meet at 10 AM on Sundays. If you would like to visit a class, an usher, church member, or pastor would be happy to help you find your way. All Sunday School classes are welcome to all genders, marital, and family statuses.
The Murray/Fulbright class is located beside the gym in room 118. This class is lecture-style and traditionally attended by those over 70. This is the only adult class that meets on the first floor.
Pairs & Spares meets in room 211 and is traditionally attended by those over 75.
The SEEKERS class meets in room 214. This is a discussion-style class traditionally attended by 20-50 year olds, often parents of school-age children.
The Lewis-Orr class meets in room 207 and is traditionally attended by those between 50 and 70 years old.
The New Beginnings class meets in room 209. This class is a great place to start if you are new to our church. All ages are welcome.
The Cross class meets in room 206 and is traditionally attended by those over 60.
The Genesis class meets in room 208 and is taught by Janet Overstreet. Adults of all ages attend this lecture-style class.
On Wednesdays, we have a variety of groups that meet.
Morning Glories is a women's small group that meets in room 213 at 9 AM. This group often journeys through a topical study book.
Shofar Sisters is a large women's study group that meets in room 206 at 10 AM. This group is led by Karen Davis and often blesses our community through gift baskets and other service projects.
PALS (people with active lifestyles) is an adult fellowship group that is open to all ages. This group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 10 AM in the gym to play BINGO, win prizes, and enjoy lunch together. Please bring $5 to cover your meal.
House of Prayer (HOP) is a prayer group that meets at 12 PM each Wednesday to pray for specific requests of the church as well as our community and world.
Our senior pastor, Bro. Jeff Jackson, leads a Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM in room 206. The topic of study varies each semester.
Ladies Stretch&Tone meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 AM in the Youth and Children's Building on the second floor to get fit and stay fit.
Narcotics Anonymous meets every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 PM in room 126.
In addition to Bible studies and small groups, we also have the Chancel Choir, Van Patten Handbell Ringers, The Gathering Band, The Methodist Women, and the Cooks for Christ groups. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, call the church office at 501-268-5896 or email
God calls everyone to serve based on their giftings. It is one of the truest forms of worship. We can always find a place for those who are willing to serve.
Some of the most common ways congregation members serve is through teaching Sunday School classes, leading small groups and studies, volunteering with our children and students, preparing communion elements, cooking for and feeding our community, joining one of our musical groups, and helping to run the technology on Sunday mornings.
If you would like to serve in any way, please call the church office at 501-268-5896 so we can plug you in.